Case Global's priority is the highest level of quality in both the products and services. Case Global's consultants and installation specialists have over 20 years of experience with Closed Caption Television (CCTV), surveillance cameras, recording and monitoring, and digital data storage. Our clients cover the gamut from private home security surveillance to large corporations and businesses.
We provide CCTV equipment and products to builders and contractors in the commercial and residential sector for implementation and installation during their early stages construction.
With digital data surveillance, the user can access network systems and visually manage information from anywhere in the world at anytime. The advantages of the CCTV field is having organizational awareness and control. Case Global has multiple patented programs that track and manage our own progress.
In collaboration with our skilled staff and knowledgeable consultant team, Case Global continuously makes the effort to improve itself and offer more for our clients.
Remote monitoring, maintenance & diagnostics of all Network/CCTV devices